TEKS NEGOSIASI A. APA ITU TEKS NEGOSIASI ? Negosiasi merupakan bentuk interaksi sosial yang berfungsi untuk mencapai kesepakatan antara pihak-pihak yang mempunyai kepentingan yang berbeda. Pada dasarnya negosiasi adalah kegiatan berunding untuk mencapai kesepakatan atau persetujuan bersama antara beberapa pihak. Kesepakatan tersebut merupakan hal yang disetujui bersama setelah mengatasi berbagai perbedaan atau perselisihan antara dua belah pihak (KBBI Daring). Teks negosiasi juga bisa disebut sebagai teks yang di dalamnya berisi proses untuk mencapai suatu perjanjian atau kesepakatan antara kedua belah pihak untuk memenuhi kepuasan pihak yang bersangkutan dalam elemen tertentu seperti kerja sama dan kompetisi. Lebih lanjut mengenai gambaran terkait kegiatan negosiasi, kalian dapat melihat video negosiasi pada link youtube berikut ini. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fW99pBLtNSo B. TUJUAN TEKS NEGOSIASI Pada saat terjadi...
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Kompetensi dalam Diri Seorang Pemimpin, Apa Saja? Kata ‘pemimpin’ tentu sudah tidak asing bagi kita. Di lingkungan keluarga ada seorang ayah yang menjadi pemimpin keluarga, di lingkungan masyarakat ada seorang kepala desa sebagai pemimpin desa atau wilayah tersebut, atau di lingkungan sekolah ada kepala sekolah yang bertugas memimpin instansi itu. Dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI), ‘pemimpin’ berarti ‘orang yang memimpin’. Nah, para pemimpin-pemimpin tersebut pasti mempunyai berbagai cara atau karakteristik tertentu dalam memimpin yang dapat disebut dengan ‘kepemimpinan’. Perihal kepemimpinan, bagi seorang pemimpin cara-cara yang diterapkan atau karakteristik diri yang dimiliki dalam memimpin begitu penting sebab mempunyai tanggung jawab besar untuk mengatur atau mengkoordinasi sesuatu atau seseorang yang dipimpinnya. Dengan demikian, pemimpin perlu memiliki karakter-karakter tertentu supaya sesuatu yang dipimpin itu dapat berjalan secara optimal dan maksimal...
Earthquake Strikes Yogyakarta
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Good morning all, hopefully you always happy yeah... Happy reading In this time, I will share my friend true story about her experience when earthquake stikes in Yogyakarta. In 2006 ago, Yogyakarta was hit by a major disaster, that was earthquake. The earthquake caused many victims. One of them was Nafi’ Khoiriyah, student from Indonesian Literature 2017 Gadjah Mada University. She lived in Pleret, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Nafi’ Khoiriyah was breakfast with her family when the earthquake suddenly came. It was half past five in the morning. So, when the earthquake strikes they ran from their house to the safe area. Fortunately Nafi and her family did not get serious injuries. Her home was not badly damaged, but there was one of the rooms that destroyed. But they ...
Lime and Soy Sauce as a Traditional Medicine
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Good morning all, hopefully you always happy yeah... Happy reading In this time, I will share information about alternative healing, that is a lime and soy sauce as a traditional medicine to cure caugh. Lime is the original fruit from Asian continent that thrive surround mainland of Asia Pasific. Lime is not commonly cultivated by farmers, but lime tree are usually grown in the yard of the house. While soy sauce is a liquid made from black soy as a complement to any dish that has a sweet taste because it contains glucose. Why lime and soy sauce can cure caugh ? Lime commonly used as a cough medicine because contain oil and other substances that are able to control the muscles in the respiratory, so effective to cure cough. The astiri oil that contain in lime serve as a neutralizing agent of sputum that cause coughing. The tissue damaged by the cough disease can be repaired quickly by the content possessed by lime. In a...
Adam Khoo's Profile
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Good morning all, hopefully you always happy yeah... Happy reading In this time, I will present to you my English task with the topic is “Selebrity Success Profile and a Reflection to My Life.” I choose Adam Khoo for my assignment, because what happened to him like me when I was a kid, as a person who stamped fool by many people. Adam Khoo was born with the full name of Adam Khoo Yean Ann on April 8, 1974. At the age of 26 he became the youngest bilionare and the most successful motivator in Singapore. When he was child, Adam Khoo well known as a huge fans of games and television. In a day, he was could spent hours in front of the television to watched television and played the play station. He...
Clickbait News
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Good morning all, hopefully you always happy yeah... Happy reading In this time, I will share my experience when be faced with the news that makes us immediately click the title when read it at a glance. It can also be called clickbite news. At that moment, I was busy opening and reading the news headlines on Line Today. I love to read the news on Line Today because the news that was posted everyday always update. And when I was reading the title, suddenly I found the news with a title that made me curious. My view was on a news with the title, “ Main Film Bareng, Lukman Sardi Kesal pada Reza Rahardian” After reading the title I w...
Sensational News
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Good morning all, hopefully you always happy yeah... Happy reading In this time, I will share the story that my friends and I get while studying English with sensational news topic. Last month, on September 08, 2017 we were given a first paragraph of an untitled news by our lecturer. Like below, Apa ? Borobudur dikepung oleh 200.000 orang dari 185 laskar dari seluruh Nusantara ? Borobudur diputihkan ? Borobudur dikepung ? Apa-apaan ini ? Aksi bela Rohingnya ? Mau balas dendam ? Nyawa bayar nyawa ? After reading the first paragraph of the news, we were had to make a group and discussed our opinion when we first read the news. Finally, after a lenghthy discussion I and my group ( Rahayu Ningsih and Pradi...