Earthquake Strikes Yogyakarta

Good morning all, hopefully you always happy yeah...

Happy reading

               In this time, I will share my friend true story about her experience when 
earthquake stikes in Yogyakarta.

            In 2006 ago, Yogyakarta was hit by a major disaster, that was earthquake. The earthquake caused many victims. One of them was Nafi’ Khoiriyah, student from Indonesian Literature 2017 Gadjah Mada University. She lived in Pleret, Bantul, Yogyakarta.

            Nafi’ Khoiriyah was breakfast with her family when the earthquake suddenly came. It was half past five in the morning. So, when the earthquake strikes they ran from their house to the safe area. Fortunately Nafi and her family did not get serious injuries. Her home was not badly damaged, but there was one of the rooms that destroyed. But they felt sad and very afraid.

            And then, a few moments later there was aftershocks. So, Nafi with her family and other citizens stayed in the one of the citizen’s home that still stand strong. They stayed here for several days and built tents in that house’s yard.

            In her district, there were many houses damaged. There were no victim in her village, but in other village there were victims including one of her teacher.

            The government gave assistance, like blankets, food, and some other necessities. The government also provided financial aid to renovate the destroyed homes.

            During the aftermath of the earthquake, the activities of the city was died. Schools closed because the impact of the earthquake was not support to run the activities.  

            The earthquake left traumatic experience for her. But, the most important thing for Nafi’ and her family was not the loss of property, but the chance of life they still felt.
(Interviewer, Farida Nurkhayati, Naila Khuria Lutfiana, and Dyah Tiana Kurniawati)

             That story certainly very tragic for us. Have you ever imagine supposing when we that experience it ? Hopefully we always given safety from God. Amen.

            And now I will give opinion about immediacy our country ( Indonesia ) when disaster strikes. In my opinion, Indonesia’s immediacy when disaster strikes enough standby. Because, when we look in side of technology, Indonesia still left behind from other country. However, when disaster strikes government will quickly deliver assistance to victims with foods, drinks, blankets, clothes, medicines, etc. Not only that, government also mobilize SAR to help evacuating victims which is trapped in disaster. Indonesia’s citizens also realize that the victims are our brother, so we must give our hand. They are usually called by voluntary with help the victims who are safe.    

Hope you enjoy reading it. Thank you.  

Here our interview, click this.
