Sensational News

Good morning all, hopefully you always happy yeah...

Happy reading

            In this time, I will share the story that my friends and I get while studying English with sensational news topic.

            Last month, on September 08, 2017 we were given a first paragraph of an untitled news by our lecturer. Like below,

            Apa ? Borobudur dikepung oleh 200.000 orang dari 185 laskar dari seluruh Nusantara ? Borobudur diputihkan ? Borobudur dikepung ? Apa-apaan ini ? Aksi bela Rohingnya ? Mau balas dendam ? Nyawa bayar nyawa ?

            After reading the first paragraph of the news, we were had to make a group and discussed our opinion when we first read the news. Finally, after a lenghthy discussion I and my group ( Rahayu Ningsih and Pradina) were resulting an opinion. The action that happen in Borobudur temple, actually was concerning Indonesian’s citizen to defend our moslem brother in Rohingnya. From the action we also know that action has aim to teach us about tolerance. Because even though the Borobudur temple belongs to the Buddhist but still willing and caring to moslem.

            Then our lecturer was giving a paragraph which continuation from that news. The second paragraph was like below,

            Kapolri Tito Karnavian, di Mekah, terloncat berdiri karena mendengar kabar itu. Ia mempercepat jadwal pulangnya dari berhaji. Langsung terbang ke Jakarta. Malam tiba, dan langsung mengadakan rapat khusus dengan para perwira Mabes.

            By that second paragraph, we were required to consider whether the second paragraph could reinforce our previous opinion or not. After reading the second paragraph, we were confused, why the paragraph has nothing continuity with our previous opinion. At that time, because of confused we also opine the action that held in Borobudur temple became chaotic. After hearing the news, Police Chief Tito Karnavian also accelerate his schedule from the pilgrimage and return to Jakarta immediately held a special meeting.

            Then we were requested to open Borobudur 185 website with the title Rahmatan Lilalamin dari Borobudur. We have to read the news overall and give reaction as conclusion.

             And after reading it, apparently the contents of the news actually is an invitation from various paramilitary in Indonesia to jointly mutual solidarity with our brother in Rohingnya. The content of the news was certainly not same idea with our second opinion.

            The conclusion, when we read a news should be read in full and do not just read the title or only the first paragraph. Then make own conclusion that are not true. Because the news was arranged with many words of sensation to attract many readers.

That’s the story from me, hope you enjoy reading it. Thank you.                 
