Clickbait News

Good morning all, hopefully you always happy yeah...

Happy reading

            In this time, I will share my experience when be faced with the news that makes us immediately click the title when read it at a glance. It can also be called clickbite news.

            At that moment, I was busy opening and reading the news headlines on Line Today. I love to read the news on Line Today because the news that was posted everyday always update. And when I was reading the title, suddenly I found the news with a title that made me curious. My view was on a news with the title,

                        “ Main Film Bareng, Lukman Sardi Kesal pada Reza Rahardian”

            After reading the title I was curious and confused. What was meant and what made Lukman Sardi upset at Reza Rahardian ? Without lenght thinking I was immediately click on the title of news. You can also open the news through with the same title.

             And after reading the news overall, apparently Lukman Sardi upset at Reza Rahardian just because his dialogue was a lot, meanwhile Reza just a little dialogue in their new film. Like below,

            “ Gue tidak pernah syuting bareng sama Reza sebelumnya. Gue sebal banget sama dia (Reza). Dialog gue banyak, dialog dia (Reza) dikit,” ujar Lukman di Kawasan Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan, Rabu 13 September 2017.

            You can also see it in the picture below,


            That very annoying isn’t ? When we get stuck on sensational news like above. But, that is just one of the method of jounalist to attract readers to read his news.

That is my experience of clickbait news, what about you ? Have you also experience ?

Hope you enjoy reading it. Thank you.  
